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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

High Paying Jobs in Singapore during the Economic Downturn

With Singapore being regarded as the booming hub for highly skilled talents and business growth in Asean, we take a look at the Top 10 High Paying Jobs that you can work to obtain during an economic slowdown in the region. Special thanks to the original source of the article which i stumbled upon at community.jobcentral.com.sg. which provided us with a comprehensive look at the 10 Best Paying Jobs in Singapore. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top Paying Jobs in America for High School Graduates 2012

Obtaining a degree may pose a challenge to some especially during the times of economic uncertainty today. So people have asked if there are job opportunities for the moment for high school graduates in America? Well, we stumbled upon a website which listed down the High Paying Jobs in 2012 for Americans with High School certifications or graduates. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

High Paying Jobs for New Zealand Graduates

With the job market becoming more competitive, it is vital for graduates to understand, and to be able to foresee seeking placements in industries that would offer them the best compensation for their years of struggling through university. 

Being one of the smallest country in the world, in terms of population, New Zealand with a population size of 4 million people may not be considered as a big enough market for larger companies or businesses to set up shop. Hence this would have impacted the job opportunities available locally as well. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Working with Internet Giant, Google - Part 10 (Finale)

Ultimately, talents and graduates line up to work with the companies and employers of the year, and the Google brand name is always prominent in the internet business. For any company or employer to be attractive towards drawing top talents, perhaps its time to focus on building the intangible value of your brand, like how Avinash Kaushik would explain with his experience of working with Google in this Series Finale. 
# 1: The brand.
My son Chirag will be four in a couple months. The first word he could spell without looking at it was G O O G L E. I think he was two and half.
I don't wear too many Google shirts, I don't have too much Google stuff. He had visited Google a couple of times, he loves walking around, looking at stuff etc. As a result he has this deeply favorable view of the Google "brand".
I was impressed. Remember this is a little kid (he can spell more things now!).
The interesting thing is that the Google brand has the same effect on people of all ages. There is a thriving cottage industry in sub optimal google thoughts, but for the most part people have a wonderful positive response when you tell them you work for Google (even as a consultant!).
My friend Blaire was telling me how she gets stopped and asked nice things when she is wearing the Google "girl power" t-shirt. That's branding.
google doodles
People have a positive opinion of Google and it transfers to your sense of pride in your company. Goes to show if you just produce a good product it can translate into something remarkable (something worth remarking).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Working with Internet Giant, Google - Part 9

Talents, especially the Gen-Y graduates are looking for a work place which puts emphasis on work life balance. For Google, it isn't a weird environment to have their employees enjoying themselves with cuisines from all around the world, or in this case, as Avinash Kaushik would explain, playing netball, exercising and playing sports within the company's compounds. 
# 2: It's a happening place. The energy, the vibe, the passion.
Cool projects + empowerment + size of impact = A energetic fun happening place.
Google employees are a passionate bunch, the have a energy to themselves regardless of how big or small their project is, and they are passionate. People work hard (and I might stress play hard, see below), and you feed off their energy.
volleyball googleplex
There is this constant sense that you are doing something to change the world, there is very positive vibe.
A great example is Testing On The Toilet.
Yes you heard it right.
I can only speak for the mens restroom of course. As you stand (or sit :) you can't fail to notice that in front of you a page that teaches the importance of testing. Each week a new "episode". Techie stuff, python and sawzall and bigtable and loops and so on and so forth.
That would be inconsequential (just like the sign that says "wash your hands after using the bathroom"). But the amazing thing is that these docs, deeply technical as they are, are written with a great sense of humor. Often subtle, usually techie, always entertaining.
It is not unusual for even someone like me to just stand there and read the whole thing (sadly blocking traffic!). I don't understand everything they teach but I am consistently struck by how well written it is, and the passion of the people who take writing better code so seriously.
It's just a example of the energy that you'll see, passionate people trying to do the right thing with a smile.
As Martha would say "That's a good thing."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Working with Internet Giant, Google - Part 8

Consumers like to think that they are contributing their cash to responsible companies. The same with talents, where they expect to work with companies with a social conscious to give back to society. They want to ensure that they are helping the world, while helping the company to make money. Avinash Kaushik blogs about his 'Green' experience in Google.
# 3: Doing Good: Green & .org
This might not resonate with everyone but it is very important to me. One of the reasons Intuit was so nice, they did so many good and charitable things.
I am a Northern California person, I am green, I buy everything in An Inconvenient Truth! :)
Google has lots and lots of green initiatives. From the solar panels on the car ports that are around the buildings. . . .
solary array car port google
to initiatives like the greener cars (I know green car is a oxymoron) like the plugin hybrid. . . .
recharge it car google
to the cup of juice that I pick up at breakfast. . . .
biocompostable cup google
In small and big ways you'll see around the offices Google takes green seriously in a very real and meaningful way.
They also support great causes, like the matching program for OLPC (one laptop per child) when you could buy one laptop and one would be given free to a child in the third world. Google's match meant two laptops would be given out for the one you bought.
google.org is a very ambitious initiative to to make a immense difference in the world that we live in. Lots of companies are lucky to be blessed with great wealth. I am always biased in favor of companies that don't wait to make a difference, they take action right way. Be it google.org or WalMart and their CFL initiative or the, most ambitious of it all, efforts of the Gates Foundation.
At a personal level it feels good to be a part of a company that tries to make a difference (and some day Google will even lick the problem of how much power web servers consume!!).

Friday, April 13, 2012

Working with Internet Giant, Google - Part 7

Google takes pride of its employees' ideas and the scalability of their ideas when implemented as projects within the company. It is interesting to note that for experienced professionals or employees, they would prefer to have a platform for them to test their ideas out. For them its self-fulfillment and gives them new meaning to their work. 
# 4: The scale of your impact.
This one is my personal favorite.
Google is not quite as big as many companies out there, but in its space it has a huge user base for most of its applications (search and beyond). Anything you analytics menu googlework on will probably touch hundreds of thousands of people – if not multiple times that.
It is such a awesome thrill when you see your work in the hands of so many folks on this planet.
I think of a small idea and collaborate with the team and bam (!) they make it a reality.
In a few days something that was just in your brain is now in the hands of hundreds of thousands of people!
I open the app and there is such a deep sense of gratification when I see parts of it that helped with ("mine! that's mine!").